We are pleased to introduce SPI SheetMetal Inventor 2022. Contact the SPI support team to download the newest version of our sheet metal add-in for Autodesk Inventor!
Introducing SheetMetal Inventor 2022
In addition to adjustments to the new Inventor version and updates to the functionality of our CAM interfaces, the most important new feature concerns the unfolding of standard components. From now on, standard components can be unfolded directly without having to be converted into sheet metal.
The advantages of this new functionality are twofold:
- First, it is no longer necessary to use Inventor’s sheet metal specifications.
- Secondly, the unfolding of assemblies is now much faster and easier, as previously each standard component of an assembly had to be converted individually.

Meet us at the Blechexpo 2021 in Stuttgart
After a longer break, we are looking forward to welcoming you at an in-person trade fair this year.
At our stand in exhibition hall 1, booth 1005 you can expect live demonstrations and personal discussions on the topics of “continuous process chain, manufacturing-ready sheet metal unfolding, cost calculation alongside design” and more.
We look forward to seeing you there!